After The Dark Night of The Soul, Comes the Light
My conscious spiritual journey began in my late 20’s when first diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease. A type of cancer, this initiated much research and opened my path to rediscovering the true healing powers in alternative therapies, ancient medicines, mind power, self-love and our strength of spirit.
Over the next 20 years, I developed my intuitive and psychic skills, researched information on health, wellness, mind power, energy systems, brain plasticity, cellular reconstruction, DNA transcription, light transduction, frequency alignment, discerning channeled information to name a few.
Over recent years, loss of family and friends, another cancerous episode, a debilitating depression and anxiety took hold. Financial loss, deep grief, and trauma was a loud message for me to take some time out to re-centre and heal. The time of rest has allowed me to develop further tools to help re-balance my life which is something I still work with each day, and choose to share with you.
It is a great calling of mine to share the experiences I have had and the experiences of others.
I now spend my time doing things that I love and sharing my time with those who are special to me.
I sit in a space of high frequency energies and work as an Intuitive Healer & Reader, Speaker, Facilitator and currently editing a few books for publishing.
My hope is to maybe ease some of your pain or inspire you to new heights, to let you know you are not alone.
We are all on the path of enlightenment.
The world is changing rapidly. As are we.
And who we truly are is life and love.
After the dark night of the soul, comes the light.