Blue Room in Beziers – Changes in my Light Body Affecting the Physical Body

I write this with the intention that it will help you on your journey if you are experiencing anything the same as me.  The reason for this piece is that as I was going through this experience I was unable to find any info or reference that could put my mind at ease.  I am referring to my physical body reacting to the change within my light body.

The cellular structure of our physical body is changing at this time on this earth.  We are becoming lighter beings.  We are choosing to vibrate at a less dense level. Why are we choosing this?  Because more of us on the planet are holding the love vibration than the fear vibration.  Now that is great news and makes me very excited! The physical side to it is that our physical bodies require change and is changing.  We are going through a metamorphisis and our bodies are transforming.

To explain it in more physical terms, our energy is lifting into a lighter form, so to speak.  I will give you an example.  Water.  You have water that is in liquid form and you can drink it.  Ice.  This is another form of water but has solidified and is just a denser form.  Steam. Again water, although the least dense side of water.  All these forms are still water that are just different densities.  So this, in essence, is what our body is going through.  Simply we are moving from the water density to the steam density.

So as I was travelling, I began to feel pain and discomfort within my stomach, solar plexus region.  At first I thought it was all the bread and cheese I was eating on our travels!  I was blessed to be travelling with a friend, who is also a magnificent Reiki healer and on the first night we did a healing on my body.  This definitely released a great emotion within that was connected with my father, who had recently passed.  I felt some ease that day and night and was able to sleep.

The following days the pain did not retreat.  It was on the day we were leaving our little French Chateau that my pain began to worry me. IMG_1324 I started my “Dr Googling” to see what the symptoms could mean, coming up with appendix, stomach ulcer, gastritis to name a few.  I realise now that I exaggerate problems to do with my health which reigns from my past bouts of cancer and health issues.  I become worried easily and think the worst if it is to do with my physical body.  Through this time though, I also became aware that a few things I thought I had worked on and cleared, obviously had not finished with and needed more light!  I am sure we have all had this spectacular moment.

To put my mind at ease I went to the French doctor who was actually across the road from where we were staying, so a definite sign for me to see her.  She was a great help, put my mind at ease and gave me a letter that said if pain becomes extreme to go to the hospital.  Perfect it was all I needed.  We were heading to a place called Beziers that day for a night then over to Barcelona.

Long story short, got to Beziers and the pain was going nowhere.  It had now travelled through my stomach, to my back and I was not able to eat.  I was not hungry.  I felt exhausted and just felt I needed to rest my body.  How perfect it is all set out for us, as when we arrive in Beziers a small little hotel down a laneway we had two rooms booked.   My dear friend took the red and lime green room, and I was given the blue room.  It felt like home.  It felt like I wanted to stay here.  The blue was so peaceful, the bed was so comfy, the sun’s rays were coming through the window.  That afternoon I was led to stay for 4 days to rest and my dear friend would head to Barcelona alone the next day.Blue Room in Beziers Sun

During those 4 days I left the room twice.  Once to get food and once to get water.  I rested.  I ate very simply cooking boiled potatoes in the kettle.  I slept.  I meditated.  I cried.  I healed.  I Qi Gonged.  Deconstructed thoughts, ideas and feelings.  I did everything I could to help my body through this transition.  The time in this room brought me to a life or death choice.  It literally felt as if I had the choice to die there.  As I write this I feel very emotional as it was a great moment for me to know that we are the creators in our life.  It is I who chooses.  They say we have 5 portals in life to leave this planet.  That was my fourth.  I know this.  My greatest fear was shown to me during those days. And I let go of the old and started with the new.

So how did I know this was happening?  How did I know it was my light body and not my appendix?  Well first I went to the French doctor she said it wasn’t anything serious so it gave me a peace of mind.  Looking back, I can see how much fear I had pent up in my physical body it was obvious a healing was occurring, looking back.  I knew it was something quite major, as I was being led on my journey receiving confirmation and signs everywhere that I was being cared for and working with God. I was blessed to have met an extraordinary human who was caring for my home at the time who confirmed for me she had a similar experience with pain in her abdomen region several months prior to me asking her about what her take on what was happening to me. She gave me a strength and confidence to continue to place my trust in me. It was her pure trust, her complete surrender, her pure faith in all, that gave me the strength and reminder that we are all OK. My trust in Love.  My trust in Life. My faith was definitely tested.  I listened and watched for signs and followed them at every instance.

So what may be happening to you?  Some of the symptoms could be

  • stomach cramps
  • full stomach feeling
  • ache in the solar plexus region front and back
  • pain in abdomen area
  • not hungry
  • adverse to lactose/dairy
  • adverse to coffee/tea
  • tired
  • achy
  • gas/wind
  • emotional
  • fear arises with a certain issue (look into the issue prob a big one)
  • addressing your greatest fear


Some ideas to help you through:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Do what you need to so you feel at ease(visit doctor, speak to friends who understand you)
  • Cut out all processed food
  • Cut out all dairy
  • Cut out all caffeine
  • Keep food simple (boiled potatoes/rice/crackers)
  • Find a helpful food (listen to your intuition)
  • Bless your food and water before eating and drinking
  • Eat and drink slowly.
  • Rest
  • Pray/Meditate/Affirmations
  • Breath Work
  • Do things that make you feel cared for
  • Watch movies
  • Take time out, as much as you need
  • Allow and trust

Of course the disclaimer is that you do not need to grin and bear it if you feel it is more than this.  Please seek medical advice when and if you feel you need to.  I did.  How do we know the difference between appendicitis and our light change?  Just trust what you feel to be true for you.

It is now over a month since the Blue Room in Beziers days and I am back home. There are moments and times that I feel the changes occurring within my body again.  I know we are going through great transition at this time in this world, which I am very excited about.  I listen to my bodies messages.  I honour what I feel.  I also know we are creators and can allow a process of deconstruction of the old for the new light to enter.

I have also seen that I chose to respond to the situation with love and light.  It came with fear but I allowed with light.

We are all light.  We are all true spirit.  We are all pure potential.  We are all bliss.  How you experience the transformation may be completely different. We are all unique beings in this world allowing our lights to shine.  How we express this process is up to us. I obviously still choose for my physical body to be my indicator, you may be the same or have other ways of acknowledging your change.  There may be just feelings of constant bliss, there may be a lot of physical movement in your material life, there may be nothing much you notice at all! Whatever it is, it is all perfect for you in this space, in this time.IMG_1319

So if you have connected with this piece thank you for reading and I encourage you to share your experiences too.  I shared on YouTube whilst I was there so check it out if you feelin it!

Please contact me if you have any questions as I would be happy to answer or comment on any thing you feel may connect with others.

Allow your glorious light to shine dear friend x