After the Dark Night, Comes the Light

Angelina’s conscious spiritual journey began in her late 20’s when first diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease, a type of cancer that initiated her seeking soul to start researching the meaning of being and the ever lasting question, “Why are we even here?”

Over the following two decades, Angelina opened her life to the possibility of all things, leading her to develop her intuitive and psychic abilities, channeling, and energetic healing. She began to develop and deliver workshops that centered around personal development, meditation and movement, whilst also growing her clientele with her Intuitive Healing and Guidance sessions.

Throughout this awakening, Angelina’s thirst for knowledge came with the constant connection to her spiritual guides assisting her with her automatic writing and downloads of information that needed to be brought through for our earth and shared for all to connect with, which is now found in her articles.

Continually researching information on physical health and wellness, mind power, brain plasticity, cellular reconstruction, DNA transcription, light transduction, sound and frequency healing, it proved to be the education she needed to see her through her trials and tribulations of her human existence that were to arise.

In 2015, loss of family and friends, another cancerous diagnosis, a debilitating depression and anxiety, financial loss, and a deep grief and trauma Angelina had to take a side step away from all things spiritual to dedicate her time to emotional healing, which took her to a depth of healing she had never allowed herself to feel. It was here in the deepest of shadows, Angelina experienced another conscious awakening which she calls her Dark Night of the Soul and was the catalyst for her new book soon to be released.

With a new found vulnerability, heart centered love and compassion, Angelina is passionate to share her wisdoms through the journey of hope, encouraging, enlightening and educating those who seek.

A natural leader Angelina is dedicated to leading the next generations into our future with integrity and guiding with wisdom and compassionate as we seed the light of love entering into our new earth together.

Angelina is now sharing her time as a Speaker, Intuitive Healer, Meditation and Sound Facilitator whilst currently editing her next book for publishing.