CHANNELLED MESSAGES – What or Who is a Channeller?

I have been led to write about channeled messages and talk about those “messengers” who channel information this way.  What are channeled messages?  Who are chanellers and what the f*ck are you talking about?

Yes I do get all of these questions, so here I wish to pose some answers for you and express them in a way that is simple and how I see channeling through my own experience.

As with all my communication, I insist that you, the reader, must be discerning with all information you connect with.  What you read, see, hear, know or told by others it is very important that YOU feel whether the information feels right for you. Does it connect to your wisdom within?  Does it feel right to you even if you cannot explain or understand it completely?  Or does the information not sit well with you?  What may be right for one may not be right for another. Whatever the answer, remember you need to follow your guidance.  It is called your intuition, your wisdom, your innate knowingness.  It is what we are born with, held within our DNA, and we can develop it if we choose to. So with this, start to really be discerning with ALL information that is coming to you at this time.  Start to work with your innate knowingness if it is for you at this time or not.  No one can tell you what is best for you, except you.  And also remember to be open to new things, for knowledge is about expansion and being open to the new. Feel it out instead of thinking it out.

Right now there is so much expansion energetically happening on all levels and this practice of discernment with an openness, is of great importance.  This is how we build our intuition.

In my own words, channeling is a very unique experience.

To me it is just about being a communicator or ‘messenger’ that is communicating information that comes through us from source.  It is like tuning into a channel or radio station which may be coming through in a different way than just with words, and I translate the message in a way that is clear to me, so it can be understood by the person reading it.

When I start to receive information or get a ‘download’, words, phrases or numbers are given to me over and over again, until I take notice and sit down to write down whatever needs to come through.  Usually they are concepts that I have never heard of, and need to research it  through.  Once I have scribed the information that comes through, researched it, I then share it to the best of my ability, that can include some of my experience, with as much clarity as I can.  Channeling is a very personal experience and each time I sit with the incoming information, I am always in awe.

A channeller, to me, is not a medium or psychic either.

In simple terms, a ‘medium’ connects with the frequencies or energy systems of those who have passed over.  It is the loved ones that seek out a medium who may wish to connect to those who have died, to seek out messages in hope for their continued existence, or just for a comfort.  Loved ones that connect to mediums can go far back down your family linage, which is why sometimes there are great great great grandparents come through with a message, for time is of no relevance on the other side.  They were just part of the plan for your existence in this time.

A ‘psychic’ connects to your personal energy system or frequency.  This tool is more of a connection to your sphere or realm of what may be occurring within your life experience at the time of your visit.  They may be able to tell you what you had for breakfast, or what you were thinking of that day.  Some also can connect to your Akash, and explore this with you present and with your permission.

All of us have the ability to be either medium or psychic, but not everyone incarnated upon the planet to do the same things.  Learning to develop your own intuitive ability is a deep gift we will all awaken, and in time neither of these professions will be needed as we seek our own counsel.  Again not for a while.

A ‘channeller’ is  a little different, as they have the ability to bring forth NEW information into this reality, that may not have been seen or heard of before, nor have any ‘proof’ that it is correct.  Because many of us still seek science as a navigational tool, the proof will not always be found.  And this is the difference when you channel.  You have a clear knowing that what is coming through is a truth.

Channelers have also held many lives upon different realms or galaxies, which are further advanced.  Therefore, it is part of their DNA structure which they are able to awaken to and seed here in this time space continuum and one of the reasons they came to earth at this time.

Channeling doesn’t trifle about with the proof of science, but instead sits into a knowing.  The innate knowingness of a truth within these messages that should contain information to raise your vibration and not deplete it.  It is for love and not fear.

And 0f course the messages are not for everyone, because not everyone has the same lessons to learn.  We are all very unique, and our karma, blueprints and lifetimes will need different information and messages to grow here and now.

We will always be evolving so we will always need new information.  And how we choose to grow our lives is entirely up to us, with or without these channeled messages.

All the information is really just floating around us waiting for us to connect to it.  It is a matter of aligning to the same frequency or radio station to hear it.

In truth all these messages want us to get closer to our own truths or intuition, and to awaken the ancient information held within our own blueprints, DNA or light codes to be activated in this life if we choose.

It took me a few years to refine the way I receive messages, but I have always felt compelled to share this information coming through, as I know it was also to seed into this earth reality, for the expansion of light and love to take hold.  The energy system that I unite with, that holds the information I share, is called the Allegiance of Light.  It is not just one person or form, but a collective of all and it is an energy system that emanates love, light, truth, peace and compassion, and holds the fifteenth and sixteenth dimension energies. I am, we are, all part of this Allegiance of Light.

However you wish to see the messages from these messengers that channel information is up to you.  There is no right or wrong way, there is no one specific way to do it, or one messenger for everyone.  We all need to connect to who resonates with us upon our life span.  And it will change as time goes on, and as we learn and grow.  There will be different teachers upon our lives, and each of these people will bring through their gifts in their own ways, there is no one way for anything.  Be lead by your guidance.

At this time in my life experience, I feel very blessed and grateful for being able to honour the light within all that is. Within you, within me, within life itself.

May your journey filled with expansion, love and light.

In Pure Light

Angelina xx



“In Channelling, many feel that the Human Being’s consciousness is supplanted by another entity, and that during this time the Human has nothing to do with anything.  It’s a “takeover” and often is supernatural.  This also gives the idea that somewhere, somehow, this is an occult experience and, therefore  is a very strange and odd.  In fact, all of this is incorrect.

…I would like to tell you that it requires a total meld of everything the Human knows and believe, combined with a sacred permission to join together a consciousness from the other side of the veil with a Human.  In effect, the channeller becomes a translator, who translates multidimensional messages into 3D.

…There is no right or wrong, and there is no impiracle manual on channelling.  It’s personal and private, and each person who does it knows how unique an experience it is.”

Lee Caroll

Kryon of Magnetic Service

Book 12