Mirrored Numbers – The Mirrored Trine

I am led to share some info about a particular number sequence that has been appearing again and again in my world.  It is the mirrored number in a ‘trine’ sequence.

Basically they are 3 digits that have the first and last number mirrored, for example 848 or 323. As you see the first and the last number are mirrored.  Mirrored numbers can also refer to a 4 sequence like the 12:12 or 10:10 but my focus today is on the trine sequence and the intention is just to shed a little light on this energy system that might be making themselves known to you. Again as always, remember I am a messenger and a channel, the information that I share with you resonates with me, you choose if it resonates with you or not.  There is no right or wrong.Trine number 636

All numbers have a frequency and also belong to sacred geometry.  Briefly explained in my words, Sacred Geometry is the balance in the frequency of numbers.  They create balance in our world. Numbers create an energy which allow us to unlock codes of all sorts within our universe.  To work with numbers and to allow the frequency into your experience allows great expansions. Feel free to find your own words or information regarding sacred geometry, for it is all around us in the world.

So I call this magical sequence a ‘trine’ as this feels like the right way to describe it, and although the definition does not say a three part digit, it refers to triple or threefold, and also an astrological definition of two celestial bodies 120 degrees apart, which is very interesting when I share what it is they can show you.

So the ‘trine mirrored numbers’ are an indication to you that universe sees, hears and knows where you are at.  This goes for ALL the numbers, triple numbers, quadrouple numbers and numbers with no sequence at all. But as we are speaking of this triple sequence I will stick to the subject.  With the trine, it is an indication to get your attention.  To wake up a part of you that needs a little attention or a reminder that you have been heard. They are like our little messengers to show us where we are sitting at this time.


The ‘trine’ is an acknowledgement to you.  It is a special sequence to show you that there is an aspect or part of you that is being reflected in a person, event or situation around you.  Who are you mirroring?  Who is mirroring you? What is coming up that wants to be noticed?  There is not positive or negative, nor good or bad, it is just an aspect that has been noted in your current sphere by the universe and the vibration or frequency of the numbers is showing you that they know whats happening and here is a little pointer on what it is all about.


If you wanted to delve deeper into the number you can take note of the first and the last number and see what they hold as a single number digit.  This number will relate to you and the other.

For example if it was a 525, the 5 would be the mirror.   These numbers are showing you what the mirror REPRESENTS. The 5 is about faith, trust, change, manifestation.  Trine 525 (1)

The 2, which is in the middle, is about the LEARNING within the situation.  A 2 can be about duality, ego/spirit, light/dark, balance, partnerships.

So to me how I would see this would be that my ideas about faith, change and trust are being shown to me.  Are my thoughts, ideas and feelings about trust, faith and change feeling a duality, or a push pull.  Are these my thoughts or the thoughts of another?  Who or what is challenging my faith trust or ideas about change?  Do I need to disconnect from the situation?  Or am I perpetuating it? Or is it acknowledging that we are aligning?

These are just some examples of questions or ideas that surround the energy system of the ‘trine’.  You may have ideas, feelings or knowingness about various numbers and sequences, so whatever you feel it represents to you is what it is.  Working with your own intuition, knowingness and sense of your own individuality and spirituality is a journey that you are taking, so how your unlock and read the sequences may be very unique to you, for it needs to resonate with you and your life. You can also look up the number as a whole and it may have a similar meaning.

Now you do not have to even analyse the numbers either.  I have had the ‘trine’ appear every day for the last few weeks, at least 10 times every day and it is absolutely mind blowing.  I do not analyse all the numbers as it can become very messy in the logical mind, and I prefer to work intuitively. You can just see them, acknowledge them and be grateful for showing up in your sphere to notice. For this is all you need to do. You can ask for an immediate clearing with the situation or guidance to show you clear guidance for the next step with the situation, or encouragement for the moment, but whatever you choose to do is just as it is, perfect, whole and divine.

Numbers are an amazing tool for us to work with in the world.  If you are noticing the ‘Mirrored Trine’, or any number sequence for that matter, just know that your being heard by universe, source, God and you are loved, guided and safe.

May you go in peace.

In Light

Angelina xx