Lucky 13 – The Power of the Collective Consciousness Part 1

What is collective consciousness?

To me the easiest way to describe and understand it is to call it “group thinking”. It is a way a group of people whether it be ten, a hundred or a million people, think.  If there is a common thought about something then it collects as one thought and has a more powerful effect.  For example, there is a common thought among many that the number 13 is unlucky.  Now with that thought comes the feeling of fear.  Fear of many is what accelerates this feeling as you are tapping into the fear of the group or collective that are thinking this way.  Because there are many that have this belief, you may feel it and believe it without even really choosing it, until you are aware.

Our job as humans and as one is to rise above the collective consciousness or group thought of the many that are based in fear.  It is for the greater good of you and of many that we choose to work with the higher, happier feelings of love. You may have heard it time again. “There are only 2 choices we have, love or fear!”.  Yes that is correct in the simplest form.  The fact that we need to train ourselves to be love, understand love and CHOOSE love is that to rise above fear can be a conscious effort.

I love collective consciousness or group thinking because I believe it can be used for great good. I remember when I was teaching Zumba® a few years back, I had a regular class on a Tuesday night that was one of my favorite and I was there for years.  Friendships were built with many of the people that attended and over time I became aware of what was happening within their lives and families.  Many of them attended my class as an escape and release.  We had lots of fun and the energy at this class was always wonderful and healing.  During that time with those wonderful people, there were many challenges that were faced. Cancer, death, sickness, divorce.  It was here I realised how powerful the power of collective consciousness could be, even on a small scale of 30 people.  At times when there was a certain challenge being faced by someone I would ask the class to visualise love, health or healing to be sent to that person that needed the help.  Some people may call this prayer, and yes it can be called that.  But the greatness about it is that it doesn’t matter what it is called, the power behind it is love.  The people would feel the love within their hearts and send it to whom ever needed it at that time. This is a way I believe a collective conscious thought can be used to help with love.

We also raised $30,000 for our Children’s hospital for achieving the Largest Zumba® Class in the World at that time because we were all on the same mission. Zumba® had a very powerful collective consciousness at that time, and I was in that group, so we achieved this together with the power and force of love.  When there is a force of many, much can be achieved…

So I ask you now to choose your thoughts.  Sometimes we can get caught in the group thinking of others.  This can and does happen within the family dynamic, school dynamic, work, events even as mentioned earlier about beliefs eg. numbers, religion, morals.

How you think will effectively affect how you feel. The thought comes before the feeling.

Our job is to identify whether it is our thought or a group thought.  Do you really believe that 13 is unlucky?

Me, I am still working on knowing how to know the difference.  What I do know though, is the power of the force, whichever you choose, can achieve greatness in numbers.  So choose your thoughts wisely and with care.  Lift yourself to the thoughts you choose from your heart.  It takes time to learn about ourselves, our true beliefs and our true selves.  Keep learning, keep loving because our life is about learning and constant growth. It is our mission to share that love with all those around us and to lift the collective consciousness of our race to the level of love forever.

Let your light shine.

Angie x

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