Heed the Signs

Is it not funny that when we look back on events within our lives we “see the signs”. Whether it be a relationship breakdown, a health issue or a pending death.

I am here writing about this today because of the recent passing of my dad.  I saw the signs, I knew the signs and still I did not see the signs!  Isn’t it funny how we doubt what we truly know.

I have been working with my intuition for some time now, and for me, as mentioned in my previous blogs, training your intuition is something that we all need to work on, and something I do on a daily basis.  For the human race at this time, we are able to embrace the power and know that we all have the intuitive sense or the sixth and seventh sense.  It is with time and training that it will become more effective and prevalent in our lives, if we believe!!!!!  Yes believe!  Some are gifted with the pure channels from God, Spirit, Universe and this is a very powerful gift to help all of us.  Most of us though, need to train it, learn it, and understand it.  We are all very different with how we will receive and perceive our intuitive sense but it is very very real.

Some months prior to my dads passing he was admitted into hospital very urgently as he had a mild stroke. It was a very stressful day, I remember it clearly, I was helping him the night before feeling very exhausted.  That evening when I returned home my little cat, Ruby Rose went missing.  Now I do feel my pets are family too, and to me this was devastating.  Up all night looking for her, calling her name and hoping for her return.  It was such a sad and distressing time for me.

I know as an intuitive healer, spiritual person etc etc, many people would be like, why aren’t you TRUSTING in the process just like you preach!  Why are you so stressed?  Just go with the flow!  I know that I have been one of those people looking from the outside in wondering if you are “oh so connected, why are you behaving so extremely!”  My answer to this is that our human emotions are part of our learning experience here.  Our human emotions help us learn, grow and understand more of life and what love is.  It is not until we are faced with different lessons that we can truly understand the emotion we need to learn , heal and let it go to love. One psychic said to a group I was attending once, that she believed we were all here to learn LOVE. Thats it.  And I found this quite profound and thought, yes we are.  We are all here on earth as human beings, learning the true meaning of love.

So being in distress missing my little girl Ruby Rose, I went to bed and had a fitful one or two hours sleep.  The following morning feeling like I was not part of my body and exhausted, my dad called and said he needed to go to the doctors.  Little did I know he had a stroke and had to be rushed to emergency. This was too, a frantic, and distressful time. My body fuel, sleep and food, was on empty so I was running on adrenalin.

At one point during this time with my dad, I got the distinct message that Ruby Rose would return upon my dads death.  Now I had no idea when my dad would pass, but knew he was not well and felt he was going to leave soon. A sign.

It was a few weeks prior to dads death that he returned from hospital and all of his friends that he had not seen for years, his estranged sister and family, one of his oldest friends would start to visit him on a regular basis.  Even one of the nurses that was looking after him through dialysis was a friend from 20 years ago whom he had helped settle in Australia with her family. Another sign, people from the past returning with love.

As dad was a very strong, powerful and proud man, his last few weeks his dialysis had made him weak and dependent on others.  This was too much for him to bear as I look back.  He had always looked after others, been the care giver and the rock.  He was now depending on my sister and I every day for help and a machine to keep him alive 3 times a week.  I know this was too much for him to handle.  It made him weak, frail and unable to do the simplest things in life like make a cup of tea or go to the toilet. He physical, mental and emotional being was distressed. This an obvious sign as it was not my dads wish.

One particular day I was driving dad to dialysis in the car we were silent at this time and I turned to him, he was looking at me as I had never seen before.  It was if he was looking into my heart and my soul, watching me and honouring my soul through his.  I want to say it was a shock because I had never seen him look at me this way, he just smiled and I smiled back. Looking back I can now see he was absorbing every last moment with me. A beautiful moment and a sign.

On the day of his death, he drove to the shops early in the morning, made a beautiful soup for himself, filled his fridge with all his favorite foods and sat down to enjoy it all.  My sister and I were in complete shock, as prior to this he was unable to even walk to the fridge let alone drive to the shops!  Another sign.

That night he again got into his car, his favorite thing to do was drive, and he had an accident which was the cause of his death.

No fading away, no depleting of his body, he went out with a bang.  And that was our dad over and over. Not one to just blend into nothingness but to shout out and say Here I am and its time for me to go!

A few nights before his accident Ruby Rose my cat came to me in my dream.  She had returned home to me and I was so happy. A sign.

These were just a few things that I noticed and share with you now about the events and signs leading up to the passing of my dear dad as I know there are many of you that look back and notice the signs. I also share this with you because I believe when we look we can see the signs, we know the signs, we feel the signs but sometimes we ignore the signs because we are afraid.

When I was diagnosed with cancer in 1999, which is now gone after chemo and alternative therapies, the signs were pretty obvious as they were on my physical level.

It is the signs on the physical level that although can be hard to diagnose at first, are the most obvious and once they have entered our physical being are hard to ignore.

Firstly I was itchy all over.  My skin every night was itchy.  I thought this was because I was sharing a flat in London with 4 other people and the only way to wash was in a bath as we had no shower!  So I just thought it was the sharing of bacteria and my cleaning the bath with bleach every day was affecting my skin. Sign!

Secondly, I became repulsed by alcohol!  Being in my 20’s, drinking and partying was part of my make up!  So not feeling like my favorite vodka and orange on a night out was very odd. Sign!

Final sign, a huge lump on the side of my neck presented itself. Ahhh obvious sign.  This was the sign that got me to the doctors and helped me over come this lesson with a lot of time and love.

I have realised now that over time my senses and my intuition are evolving.  My physical body is definitely a wonderful vehicle that gives me signs every day.  Learning to listen to my body has helped me trust and listen to my heart and intuition.

I believe in time, we will all become more intuitive and understand the power of our universe and the way of life and love.

I believe we will all become filled with the power of love and understanding that our race will live in pure manifestation.

I believe we are all so powerful and it is at this time of living that we are learning and changing the structure of the human evolution.

I believe in us and our power to learn through love.

So Heed the Signs as these are just your intuition showing you that you already know.

Let you light shine xx