Sexual Healing – The Shift in Power

So, over the last few days, I have been made aware of the sexual energies floating about which I have discovered are here to assist with the shifting of the collective ideas around sex and sexuality.

Dreams about ex-partners, new partners, future partners, sexy dreams and rising feelings of sexuality have been floating around and within my sphere giving me lots to think about and feel, might I say.  Initially, I thought maybe it was hormonal, or the healing I had yesterday or just the supplements I am taking that are making me feel extra sexy, but after speaking to a few friends they too have been experiencing unusual dreams and intense feelings in all forms, from love to rage.

Sex and sexuality in our world for centuries has been seen as a tool for power. To overpower, manipulate or control one another.  The males have used it and females have used it in many ways predominately to catch their mate, seduce, overpower or control their mate.  This is not a good or bad thing; it just is what it is, or shall I say was what it was.

We are now in a time of great change where sex and sexuality are shifting on a conscious level collectively allowing us to see it, feel it and embrace it in a new way for continual evolution of our species.

We still see the advertising companies using the ‘sex sells’ angle, continuing to persuade us that a certain way or look is the way to lure love into our lives, but the paradigm of how we see ourselves, our bodies, sex, and sexuality is changing very quickly.  Many of us are not responding or accepting this type of advertising as balanced or respectful to any gender.  It does not promote a positive way of living or a positive state of mind.  Many of us have woken up to this farce and allowing the love to fuel our healing, and respond to our uniqueness with kindness and not shame.

Yes, there are still many influencers or ‘celebrities’ that use their sexuality as their only available talent, but as our children grow into adults, this type of adoration will cease and be seen as shallow, petty or as an ‘incomplete person’.  To define ‘incomplete person’ just means that the particular human is still working on the cycle of self and learning how to love themselves wholly in body, mind, emotion, and spirit. No judgements, just the words that came through.

Our bodies are beautiful.  Our bodies are built for sexual enjoyment and pleasure.   Not just the skinny, taught ones, but EVERYBODY.  We all experience sex and sexuality in our own ways, but the fact is, the pleasure derived from this sacred act is changing from power driven to the divine driven unification of souls.

I am drawn to remember the 60s where free love was about.  Now although this is not the type of sexual activity I am describing, where it was indiscriminate, with much drug fuelled frolicking,  the essence of allowing ourselves to express our sexual drive as man, woman, human is going to start to be predominant again.   An openness to understanding and accepting that we are all sexual beings and part of our human experience is to celebrate sex and sexuality as a natural part of our lives and living.

Let’s get deeper.   Pun intended of course.

We are all comprised of masculine and feminine energies.  In many ancient tribes, the predominant power within the structure of order was feminine.  The female energies were the decision-makers, the peacemakers, the mother, the leader, the ruler.  Along with this came the sexual prowess of the woman who would use the art of seduction to bring men to their knees, literally.  Sex was a pleasurable past time and the women held the power in this arena.Feminine Divine Menopause

As time moved on the balance shifted to masculine energy which was more about external power.  Being bigger, better and more powerful was important.  To overpower another was perceived to be strong and with this shift also came the demise and the degradation of women. Over time the female form became objectified, ridiculed and disrespected giving the power of sex, sexuality and what it meant to be sexual over to external power. Sex became shameful, dirty and used as a release for emotions such as anger and rage.  Maybe it was a type of payback for all the time women were in rule?  Again, this is not good or bad, it just was what it was, and it is now changing.  Everything has a purpose and place in our world, no matter how hard it is to fathom, it is just in place to move us closer to love.

The shift that is occurring at present is moving us into a completely new way of being and a place that we as humans, have never experienced.

This change signifies a great movement in how we respond to ourselves and to one another.  Many of us are waking up to the simple truth that we are pure energy and love in the form of a human. The shift is a balance that moves us from shameful body, shameful sex, shameful person to celebration of sex, body, human.

For me, it is a very exciting time, because this signifies a great change in the developmental roles within our upcoming generations.  To be a witness of this change and the embracing of sex and sexuality as a naturally beautiful part of our lives gives us all freedom as we have never known.

During this time of this sexual revolution, which will take place over the next few decades at least, the ideas and the industries of pornography, prostitution, trafficking, escorting will all start to crumble. Why?  Because shame is dissolving.  The external power is crumbling. The idea that sex is shameful and holds power over another is beginning to dissipate and the need to seek sex as a solution to anger, rage, power, frustration will eventually cease.  Even religion will have no hold on how they preach about sex and sexuality.  People will make up their own minds about what is true for them, and in a few generations to come we will not accept the words, thoughts, and ideas that religion place upon a natural part of uniting our entire being with another. Religion may argue that sex is only for procreation, and although it is used to allow humans to create more humans, it is not the only reason our sexual organs exist.  We definitely have more than one use for our hands.

In a general collective statement, our bodies, our sexual organs, our orgasms, our pleasure all derived from sex are hidden in a box of shame.  What is actually happening is that many of us are opening up to healing our trauma and shame within all aspects of our lives.  We are allowing ourselves to take back our power and become vulnerable to open up in allowing ourselves to feel what we have shut away for so very long.  As we stop placing a shame upon ourselves, we begin to live a more free and full life. One of my greatest inspirational authors, Brene Brown talks about shame and vulnerability as an “epidemic in our society, and although men and women feel different types of shame, it flows through us the same.”  It is here in shame and vulnerability that the shifts are taking place, which are reverberating throughout the collective shifting the old templates.Sexual Healing -

Everything has a process and us humans like to take things as slowly as possible for we do not do well with sudden change.  You may already see the sliding scale of power moving to the feminine side where the #metoo movement is taking place, just to name one.  The masculine energies are connecting deeper with emotion and allowing the female energies to align. The scale will tip back over to the female side again, where power will again be experienced, and it will then finally return to a balance where both energies will balance for unification.  The masculine and feminine form will not be of great importance in our future but simply the coming together of two beings that share the union of love, for this is not about gender but acceptance of all.

The union of the masculine and feminine forces create an energy of peace, pleasure and harmony which in essence is the divine life force. This life force gives to our planet and gives to our lives.  A tri-wave perpetuating the continual cycle of love, the feminine, masculine and divine.

(see the article on tri-wave/bi-wave) 

The message here is to start to see sex and sexuality as a beautiful part of our lives.  For too long, we have used it to overpower another, control or to just feel better about ourselves.  The beginning of our new sexual revolution is upon us.  When we start to recognise ourselves as beautiful creators of life, and that we hold the power of life and love within us, to unite with another that feels the same can only create a magical ripple effect for the world.  Remember what we do in our personal lives has an effect on the collective so what a great reason to reassess our sexual habits, patterns, and behaviors.

Having sex with an ex because we are lonely, taking home a one-night stand because we are sad, having sex because you are angry and need to release or even abstaining from sex for the ideas of shame that surround them.  This is not uniting with another at all, but about using the other person, or denying yourself the truth of what we may feel.  What are you hiding from?  What emotion are you afraid to feel?  What seed of shame are you holding? What is triggering you in this piece?

Of course, to desire, someone is a natural process taking place within our body, and to act upon this is natural but when you step into a sexual union with another in a conscious way, knowing that you are loving, respecting and exploring the pure love of another, then this is true sacred union.  This is where the magic happens, for it will be deeper than you have ever known, engaging in all that you are, mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

So, with this energetic shift taking place, we have the opportunity to change the way we respond to old ways. 

A work in progress for many of us, but a true gift of learning to love our selves deeply.  Our bodies, our sexuality, discovering ourselves on a deeper level so when we choose to unite with another through the heart of love, and sacredness. As we know, what happens to us on a personal level is a shift for the greater collective and consciousness in general. When we start to experience a shift or we are facing certain challenges in our lives, how we choose to respond to those ways of being will change the energies within the collective world.  Like it or not when stuff shifts within us it shifts in the all.  This is evolution.

We are all balancing our internal energy system in our own ways.  We are allowing our masculine and feminine parts of self to feel safe.  We are doing this with healing emotions of shame and trauma, allowing us to express our true selves through vulnerability.  Evolution occurs through conscious choice.

When we choose to be present with kindness and love for self only then will we truly begin to feel free and the true sexual revolution of unity will begin.

July 2019

Kundalini awakened image Flower


“Secrecy silence and judgment grow shame.

If we are going to find our way back to each other, vulnerability is the way.’

Brene Brown